Monday, April 28, 2014

Distraction and Desire Blog Tour

      Kizzie Darker was born in a small beer brewing town of Burton Upon Trent, United Kingdom in 1979. For the first 4 years of her life she grew up in the small village of Church Gresley United Kingdom but soon things became complicated. At the age of 5 her parents divorced resulting in her family being ripped apart. Her younger brother went to live with her father and Kizzie remained with her mother. Her mother gave birth to Kizzie’s half brother but one night in 1986 Kizzie and her half brother were taken into care. Kizzie doesn’t regret going into care, she had a fulfilled childhood. Kizzie went to school just like any other child and achieved her desired grades she was aiming for. Kizzie is now a happily married women and enjoys spending time with her close family. She and her husband live in the West Midlands and have 2 cats and a lovebird. They regularly visit her family in Derbyshire United Kingdom and love spending time with their nephew and 2 neices.

She was his distraction, he her desire.
Joanna woods thought her broken heart would never heal again when Luke ripped her world apart.
Upon deciding to take a much needed vacation to Paris, the city of love, would a chance meeting change her life forever?
Nathan Jones moonlights as a successful business man but unbeknown to Joanna he secretly works as a C.I.A agent travelling the world, tackling crime.
He has already lost one love of his life; will he risk it all when he meets Joanna?
Joanna and Nathan have chemistry but will it be enough to make their relationship work?
Will Joanna be able to handle the truth when she finds out who Nathan really is or will it end in further heartache?

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"I wake. Yet more sunlight pours through the tiny crack in the window. I wonder what the time is. How long have I been in this, this tiny room that smells of damp and crap? I see I am still strapped into the chair of doom and that I have the headache from hell. I feel stiff, like I have the worse hangover in the entire world. I scan the room. The metal table has disappeared so that hopefully is a good sign that I won't be given anymore medication to make me sleep. I slow my breathing as I listen out for any signs of life but all seems quiet. Where is everyone? I really need to quench my thirst; a bite to eat would be so good right now.
I adjust my position the best I can. I seem to be slumped in the chair. Is this how they left me all night? I manage to reach my face. I can still feel the dressing on my cheek. It feels blood soaked, sore.
“Hello?” I call as loud as I can. “Is anyone there?” I hear nothing, no human beings anyway. I look to the floor. A filth ridden rat scurries across the room. I scream at the top of my voice. Surely someone somewhere will hear my screams. “Hello? Please will someone help me?” I shout. I hear heavy footsteps in the corridor, voices call to one another. The words “clear” are spoken over and over again as doors are opened and closed one after another. “Hello?” I call. “In here!” I shout. I wrestle against my restraints in a desperate attempt to make as much noise as I can. I still my breathing as I hear the bolt on the door being cut into.“Please,” I whisper. All the commotion has become too much. I am too weak, too tried to keep my eyes open. I fall into an unconscious state. I can see a brilliant white light as I float away. “Stay with us, Joanna,” a voice pleads. I can't hold on, the light wants me and I must go to it. I can see his face. It smiles back at me as I walk in the peaceful gardens. He is dressed in the finest of white linens, his skin shines in the sunlight. He walks towards me; his arms are outstretched beckoning me. “Come to me, Joanna.” He smiles. I race towards him; I can see his hazel eyes peer back at me. They shine like washed pebbles. I draw closer to him. I can almost touch him, smell him, and breathe him. “Nathan,” I smile as I reach out to him. I close my eyes as I wrap myself in his arms but he fades away, away from my hold.

“Nathan!” I cry but he is gone, gone from my dreams."

Author Interview:
1. Tell us about your book/books?  ~  I am the author of Distraction and Desire (The Desire Series) and I am currently in the process of writing the second novel in the Series title fear and Desire (released 11th June 2014)
2. How did you get started as a writer?  ~ It was after I read the fifty shades trilogy and though to myself ‘I can write a novel too’
3. What’s a typical day like for you?  ~ I wake around 9am, eat breakfast, do the house hold chores ect and then set to work on my novel.
4. Describe your workspace.  ~ I have a new desk!! I am so excited about that! It’s actually quiet tidy!
5. Favorite books?  ~ Fifty shades trilogy, the Bared to you series.
6. Tell us 3 interesting things about you. ~ I sang to the queen of England. I only discovered erotic fiction 2 years ago L and I love to sing.
7. Favorite quote:   ~can I choose one from my own book?    ‘She was his Distraction. He her Desire.’
8. Best and worst part of being a writer?  ~Best part…feeling as though you have accomplished something great. Worst part…..finding the right places to promote your work.
9. Advice to writers?  ~never give up, ignore the bullies and always, always follow your dream.

Fear and Desire (Book Two in the Desire Series) release date: July 31, 2014!!

His alluring body beautifully glistens in the soft light. My eyes wander over his sensuous features as a spark of love, of lust progresses through my beating heart.
My wet, wanton sex burns with a powerful desire, I want to feel him, touch him, and breathe him. My lips part with expectation, a little moan of pleasure of delight escapes from my mouth and levitates towards the explicit air.
I feel him nudge against me with his hard, erect penis. The most erotic smile passes his wet lips as he plays with me, teases me as I lay flat against the bed. I want him to make love to me through the night.
I feel his mouth sweep across my swollen breasts. His sharp teeth pull and tug at my pert nipples whilst his hands gently, carefully trace over my thighs with dexterity.
“You are a vision of absolute beauty”

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Stone of Destiny Release Blitz

Stone of Destiny (The Danaan Trilogy Book 2)

by Laura Howard

Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance


Allison thought it was crazy enough when she found out her father, Liam, wasn't entirely human. But now she has to join his magical allies to unravel his former mistress's plans. Aoife wants to keep Allison's parents apart forever.

Despite Allison's efforts to keep Ethan, the only guy she's ever cared about, out of this supernatural mess, fate keeps throwing him back into the mix.

Will Allison be able to find the amulet that holds the enchantment Aoife placed on Liam and destroy it? Are Ethan' s feelings for Allison strong enough to endure the magic of the Tuatha De Danaan?


The Forgotten Ones

Book One in The Danaan Trilogy

About Laura:

Laura Howard lives in New Hampshire with her husband and four children. Her obsession with books began at the age of 6 when she got her first library card. Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and other girly novels were routinely devoured in single sittings. Books took a backseat to diapers when she had her first child. It wasn’t until the release of a little novel called Twilight, 8 years later, that she rediscovered her love of fiction. Soon after, her own characters began to make themselves known.

Monday, April 21, 2014

He & She Cover Reveal

He & She by Michelle Warren

HE is trying to piece together his broken life.

SHE is running away from her wedding day.

TOGETHER, their world is a beautiful lie.

APART, their world is a perfect mess.

He + She is a free-spirited romance about soul-awakening second chances, heartbreak, and hopeful beginnings.

Michelle Warren didn't travel the road to writer immediately. She spent over a decade as professional Illustrator and designer. Her artistic creativity combined with her love of science fiction, paranormal and fantasy led her to write her first YA novel, Wander Dust. Michelle loves reading and traveling to places that inspire her to create. She resides in downtown Chicago.







Amazon Author Page:


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Persecution Cover Reveal

So what can I say about this book?  Well I can say that I am Bleepin excited! I have been waiting for E. Montgomery's debut novel to come out for what seems like forever and it's finally here!!!!!

This beautiful cover only just adds to my excitement. So be sure to add it to you TBR... no seriously add it. ;)

Title: Persecution (Book One Dyphillum Series)
Author: E. Montgomery
Genre: Paranormal Romance

They were exiled from their clan.
Made to leave the only home they ever knew.
They knew the curse would kill them if they didn’t leave.
Isaac erased her memories to give her a better life.
Only Cecily can defeat the hunters.
Isaac swore his heart to protect her.
Julian swore his life to protect her.
But in the end will it be Isaac and Julian that needs saving?

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I was born in Williamsburg Virginia and raised in Yorktown Virginia so paranormal inspiration was easily obtained. I have 4 awesomesauce kids and an AMAZING husband. Currently I'm working on three books, all Paranormal Romance. I'm a google junkie and can find a pic on google to fit any conversation and will cyber stalk a topic till my eyes hurt if I am interested in it enough. Coffee and gummy bears are an hourly habit. Some of my favorites include: Reading (of course), writing (well duh), baking fancy shmancy cakes, painting and last but not least hanging out with the fam <3

1) I am obsessed with Favicons. They are the little icon next to a websites name in the tabs on a browser. I like to make them pretty when I can.

2) I have an irrational fear of all bugs, spiders especially but I loathe them all equally and turn into a crying ninja when I see them.

3) I make fancy shmancy cakes, but don’t really like to eat cake.

4) Stray cats are attracted to me like lent to static.

5) I am a pediatric nurse and I LOVE my job.

6) I have a fear of being murdered while in the shower, even when the door is locked I am afraid something will crawl out of the mirror or toilet so I keep my eyes open the whole time…even when washing my face (it is possible).

7) I listen to the same song on repeat the entire time I am writing a chapter.

8) I totaled my first car going 3 (yes three) miles an hour.

9) I love all things Wonderland (especially Johnny Depp)

10) I totally believe in aliens. In my head I picture them all as Luxen aka Daemon (The Lux Series by Jennifer L Armentrout)

11) When I see people’s pics on facebook or Instagram, I totally check out the background (their living room, car, kitchen etc.)

12) I could eat avocados, chicken and watermelon for the rest of my life and be completely content.

13) Short arm T-rex jokes get me every time haha!

14) I have to have at least eight pillows on my bed or I can’t sleep. I sleep with 6 of them and they have to be positioned just right or I will toss and turn like a two year old.

15) I had the brilliant idea of going by a pen name of Summer Rayne until I said it out loud and ugly laughed at how ridiculous it was.

16) I have the mouth of a seasoned sailor. Except around my grandma, mom and kids…well sometimes the kids push it but I don’t make it a habit lol

17) I can find a picture that will suit any conversation I am having within a matter of seconds.

18) I have an issue with whiteboards. I will redo them a million times till the words/lines are straight.

19) I’m an over-roller when it comes to toilet paper (I am running out of fun facts so it has come to the way I roll my toilet paper and for this I apologize)

20) Writing 20 “fun facts” about myself has proven to me I need to go sky dive or something more exciting than cake and toilet paper. Thanks for reading!



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Monday, April 14, 2014

Love Unclaimed Release Day Blitz

 Audree Edwards has loved Gavin Montgomery since she was a little girl, but her older brother Clint made it clear that Audree was off limits. Audree however, wasn’t taking no for an answer and made it clear to Gavin she wanted him. 
Gavin, not having the best family life, bolted as soon as he could after high school. Audree knew she couldn’t have all of Gavin and settled for the bit of him she could hold on to. When they are both finally ready to admit they want more, Audree thinks Gavin has done the unthinkable.

Will Gavin be able to tell Audree he's ready to pursue a future?

Will Audree see the truth about Gavin before it is too late?

Will Audree and Gavin finally give in tell each other how they feel and what they want?

 “So are we going to talk about what happened or are we going to go on pretending we didn’t have sex, again?” Audree asked, walking up behind Gavin who was brushing down his horse. It looked like he had been out riding already this morning.
“Audree, you climbed into my bed,” he huffed. “I was sleeping.”

“You were dreaming about me. You were touching yourself while you were dreaming about me.” She blocked his path to move around the horse.

“So that gives you the right to come into my room and fuck me? What if I did that to you?”

“I’ll leave my door open,” she snapped.

“Ugh, Audree. I told you that night that we couldn’t happen, that it would only be that night.”

“Then why didn’t you stop me from fucking you! You are a big strong man. You could have picked me up and moved me. You’ve done it before. You could have pushed me away. You could have told me to stop,” she stomped. “But you didn’t, because you wanted it as much as I did. You want me, Gavin, but you won’t take me. I have made a complete ass out of myself for years. I have thrown myself at you because I feel what is between us. I want to be with you. I want to be in your arms, in your bed, in your fucking heart.” She refused to let the tears banging against her lids fall in front of him.

“I know you have been with other women, but I want to be yours. I want you to be mine. I am standing here before you making the biggest fool of myself; telling you that all you have to do is say the word. Tell me I’m yours and you have me.”

“Audree, I can’t! I won’t…,” he barked harshly.

“You can’t. You won’t. Well, fuck you, Gavin Montgomery. Next time you see me I might not be available and I sure as hell won’t be climbing into your bed again. So you enjoy those dreams about me and you remember the feel of my body on top of you, underneath you and in front of you. Remember how you feel being inside of me, because it can’t and won’t happen again!” She stormed out of the barn and heard the clanging of metal hitting the barn wall, but refused to turn back to him. This time it wasn’t him leaving without a word; she was the one leaving. She called Ruby to tell her she was heading back to school, and if she wanted a ride, she needed to be ready in twenty minutes.

 Jennifer is a devoted wife and mother to two rambunctious children that love keeping her on her toes. Her "real" job as a paralegal occupies the time she would rather be using to write, read, chat with her many author and blogger friends, or hang out with her family watching movies. Any free moment she has is devoted to helping spread the word for her indie author friends who lovingly call her 'the ninja' or writing her newest story. Jennifer has been writing since she was young. She has always been an avid reader. She always has her nose in a book and carries her Kindle everywhere. Now she plans to follow her dream and be on the other side of the pages and share her passion for writing with readers.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Hold Me Closer Cover Reveal

OMG!!!!!!  Have you seen the cover for Hilary Storm's new book?.......

You haven't well good, scroll down and you can.  The cover is Amazeballs!!  I can not wait for this next book in the Rebal Walking Series to come out.  Be sure to add this and all of Hilary's other books to your TBR. <3

Cover Model: Nathaniel Latham 
Photographer: FuriousFotog 
Cover Designer: Bookfabulous Designs
Release Date: May 5, 2014

Holden Walker has put his personal life on hold to help Rebel Walking with security on tour. His ‘all work and no play’ attitude has him in trouble with some of the new female family members in his life.
Lainey Douglas couldn't pick a good man if her life depended on it. She’s been burnt one too many times and isn't thrilled at all when she's tricked into a date. Her attempt to run him off almost works—until he has to save her from danger.
What happens when Holden meets the most frustrating woman in his life? Will Lainey stop pushing him away long enough to see that he's not like all the other guys? Can she open her heart after everything she's been through?

About the Author
Hilary Storm lives with her high school sweetheart and three children in Enid, Oklahoma. She drives her husband crazy talking about book characters everyday like they are real people. She graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with an MBA in Accounting and has a full time job as an accountant. Her passions include being a mom, writing, reading, photography, music, mocha coffee, and spending time with friends and family. She is the author of the International Best Selling 'Rebel Walking' series. Book one: 'In a Heartbeat' was released June 2013, Book two: 'Heaven Sent' was released in September 2013. Book 2.5: 'Banded Together' released Jan 2014. Book 3: 'No Strings Attached' released March 2014. Book 4: 'Hold Me Closer' is due out beginning of May.

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Thursday, April 10, 2014


I am so excited for this Cover Reveal.  Madam, is M. Robinson's next chapter of the VIP Trilogy.  The first book was AWESOME!!!!  So I have no doubt that this 2nd one will be EPIC.

So be sure to add it to your TBR!

The Madam - Book II of The VIP Trilogy
Available May 19th, 2014
Some people need love…

I need sex, money, control, and power.

Anyone could have those four things, but only one could have VIP. Becoming Madam was never a choice for me, it was a mandated order from the most powerful woman I knew- my mother. I was born to fill her shoes, never to make mistakes, or to show weakness.

You are the product of your environment. They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree; you learn from what you see, not from what you're told. Nature vs. Nurture. I learned from it all; what I saw, what I didn't see, what I was told, and from reading between the lines.

I was raised with the belief that the world spun ONLY because of me. I held power as far back as I can remember, saw things no one ever talks about, and witnessed illegal acts of sex, drugs, and money by the time I was eighteen.

You saw a glimpse of me in VIP, now see it from the beginning. Enter my world where anything goes; no judgments, no remorse, no guilt. You play by my rules, or you don’t play at all. There are no limits to what I can do, or to what I can show you…I will ensure my legacy my any means necessary.

My name is Lilith Veronica Stone, and I am The Madam.

Warning: Book contains adult situations.

Dark content/sex/drugs/language. Mature readers only.


Before you read The Madam - read VIP - Book 1 in the VIP trilogy

32 year old Sebastian Vanwell, was a very successful yacht broker, who always loved the design and architecture of a luxurious boat. His only addiction was being on the water. He loved it, he thrived on it, and he needed it in his life. After a very stable, loving childhood with only a few bumps, Sebastian married the love of his life. The one person that he knew would always be there. Julia was his rock, and he loved her more than life itself. Sebastian kept his addiction to the water under control, wanting to keep his time with his wife and son his number one obsession, that was until he saw her. This new addiction haunted him, the one compulsion that he couldn't control no matter how hard he tried.

Ysabelle Telle hit him hard, knocking the wind from his lungs. Coming from worlds apart, beautiful, dark complexion Ysabelle Telle didn't have the rich, protected background that Sebastian Vanwell had. Ysabelle lived a life of hell, in poverty, growing up with a drug addict mother that never cared, and horrific living conditions. Ysabelle lived for one person and one person only; herself. She was pure perfection, her beauty along with a flawless body had men lined up, driveling over her ensuring her success as a VIP.

There are too many words that describe the effects when two diverse worlds like theirs collide. They both have too much to lose to get caught in the forceful pull, which could destroy them both.

Warning sex/drugs/language. Mature readers only

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About The Author:

M. Robinson loves to read. She favors anything that has angst, romance, triangles, cheating, love, and of course sex! She has been reading since the Babysitters Club and R.L. Stein.

She was born in New Jersey but was raised in Tampa Fl. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D in psychology, with two years left.

She is married to an amazing man who she loves to pieces. They have two German Shepherd mixes and a Tabby cat.  

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